Glowing Core
“How can a today’s object be turned in a live vision of a possible future scenario?
And how this can change people behaviors?”
From the outside, the pavilion aims to changes the reality around the visitors. Due its colored glasses, the light that will pass through them will be constantly modified in time, shape and color.
Its mutable appearance will stimulate visitors to interact with it, in space and time. People will move around it having an always-changing appearance given by the overlapping of the different colors. The Sun, moving during the day will project mutable colored shadows.
From the inside the dome created around the lifeguard station will work as a Camera Obscura projecting an upside down image of the outside.
The live image of the sea floods the interior space covering everything in the space. People will experience a future in which through light they feel a reality in which the sea level is raised.
Design: Cosimo Scotucci
Year: 2020
Type: Proposal
Location: Toronto, Canada
Visualizations: imperfct*