“How art can be a veichle of clarity?
How light can be brought into darkness?”
The Mediterranean sea is the theater of the most crucial aspect of contemporary times: Migrations.
Nilufer Demir picture of Alan Kurdi laying inanimate on Bodrum shore was a turning point of European common consciousness upon the theme of migration. During the ancient roman time the Mediterranean sea was called Mare Nostrum (Our Sea), nowadays for many people is the ultimate barrier to protect themselves from an invasion.
The main idea behind the project is to re-trace the migrants trajectories across the Mediterranean Sea. The project aims to reconnect all the shores of the Mare Nostrum building a sense of common place, and empowering the notion of a European citizenship.
The project is meant to be visible from space. The project is made of light. Luminescent cables activate themselves thanks to the movement of the water, clearing the path for the migrants crossing the Sea in the darkness of the night.
From Landart to Waterart. From anger to brotherhood.
Design: Cosimo Scotucci
Year: 2020
Type: Proposal
Location: Mediterranean Sea